Passengers on a Titsa bus in Tenerife were left stunned on Wednesday night after a fight broke out between the driver and one of the passengers. The incident took place on a bus covering the 711 route, which connects Costa Adeje with Santa Cruz during the late-night service.
The vehicle was heading south towards Costa Adeje when the driver realised he had missed a stop with passengers waiting at it, so he decided to turn around to pick them up.
However, according to sources from Titsa, one of the passengers wasn’t happy about this so he stood up and began berating the driver. At this point, another Titsa bus driver, who was travelling as a passenger on his way home after finishing his shift, stepped in to intervene, but it turned into a full fist fight whilst the bus was still moving.
Reportedly, the driver who attempted to prevent the disturbance was assaulted by the angry passenger first, but as you can see in the video, he responded to the aggression.
The Titsa employee involved has filed an official complaint for assault, and the bus company have announced that they will conduct an internal investigation into the incident, emphasising that a driver should not be disturbed or lose concentration when driving as it endangers the safety of everyone on the bus.
It is worth noting that all Titsa buses are equipped with security cameras and they have full footage of the whole incident which will be presented to the police as evidence.