The first Canarian baby of 2023 is a girl born in Fuerteventura

The first Canarian baby of 2023 is a girl born in Fuerteventura

The first birth of 2023 registered in a public hospital in the Canary Islands took place in Fuerteventura at 12:23 this morning, a baby girl named Amelia (main image) who weighed 2 kilos and 890 grams.

Following Amelia was the first birth in Lanzarote which took place six minutes later at 12:29am, where a baby boy weighing 4 kilos and 130 grams was born at the Doctor José Molina Orosa University Hospital in Arrecife.

The first Canarian baby of 2023 is a girl born in Fuerteventura

The first baby of the year born in Tenerife was a girl called Gisela weighing 3 kilos and 560 grams who came into the world at 12:32am at the HUC (University Hospital of the Canary Islands).

The first Canarian baby of 2023 is a girl born in Fuerteventura

Finally, the first birth of 2023 in Gran Canaria occurred at 2:36am at the Maternal-Infant University Hospital Complex. It was a boy named Daren who weighed 2 kilos and 730 grams.
