The dead body of a man is found in a rocky area on the coast of Pajara

The dead body of a man is found in a rocky area on the coast of Pajara

The lifeless body of a man was found this morning (Saturday) on the rocky coast of Agualique in the municipality of Pájara on the east coast of Fuerteventura, as reported by the Emergency Services Coordination Centre (CECOES).

The 112 call centre received an alert at around 11:16am from some bathers in the area stating that they had spotted a person in an area of ​​rocks on the coast who seemed dead.

CECOES dispatched the police, the fire brigade, and a doctor and a nurse from the local health centre, together with SUC medical personnel who confirmed that the man they had found, thought to be in his 50s, was indeed dead.

After the body was retrieved from the rocks by the fire brigade, the Guardia Civil had the responsibility of guarding it until the judicial authority gave permission for it to be taken for an autopsy to officially identify the deceased and find the cause of death.
