Police not allowed to remove mis-parked rental scooters from streets

  • 10-08-2024
  • Tenerife
  • Local Police
  • Photo Credit: Stock Image
Police not allowed to remove mis-parked rental scooters from streets

The police are no longer allowed to remove or fine rental scooters parked incorrectly on the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Instead, officers must notify the two rental companies, Tier and Dott, who are now responsible for relocating these scooters to proper designated parking areas.

Private scooters, however, will still be removed and impounded by police if they are parked improperly, with the owner facing fines.

The new policy, announced by the acting police commissioner, has drawn criticism from police unions. They argue it unfairly favours rental companies over private owners.

They point out that while rental scooters are managed by the companies, other vehicles are towed and fined.

The policy requires that scooters only be parked in designated areas and must have software to prevent rentals from ending if not in one of these designated areas.

However, if a scooter is abandoned for more than 48 hours, it can be removed from the street.
