As always on Thursday, the Governing Council of the Canary Islands once again decides today the alert level changes in the archipelago, depending on the evolution of the pandemic in the individual islands.
In this sense, the possible changes in the Canary Islands today could easily go in two directions, with, on the one hand, Lanzarote moving to Level 1 due to favourable data over several weeks that has seen a decrease in the incidence rates over both 7 and 14 days, and hospital pressure is zero on the island further helping their case.
On the other hand, Fuerteventura has seen a steady increase in new cases and incidence rates over the last three weeks, when after family outbreak made the situation more complicated. In recent days, several family and work related outbreaks have raised the Accumulated Incidence rates to levels not seen since March or April.
Hospital pressure is still non-existent, but the data is stubborn and in that sense these increases lead to leaving the image of the island in a bad place in the face of tourism. The government could negatively assess this circumstance and move the island to Level 2 later this afternoon. Watch this space.