Cyclists and scooter riders now face a 200 euro fine for wearing ear buds or headphones

  • 19-05-2023
  • National
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Pexels
Cyclists and scooter riders now face a 200 euro fine for wearing ear buds or headphones

Cyclists and scooter riders in Spain, including the Canary Islands, risk being fined 200 euros if they are wearing earbuds/pods, earphones, or headphones whilst riding, according to the DGT, Department of Traffic.

An update to the Spanish law set in 2014, states that people cannot cycle or use any personal mobility vehicle whilst listening to music or using a mobile phone through earbuds, earphones, or headphones.

The DGT stress that this law is in place for safety purposes as using these devices distracts you from the road and prevents riders from hearing other sounds on the road.

“Wearing earphones whilst cycling could present a safety risk to yourself and other road users. Listening to music compromises a cyclist’s ability to listen to road traffic, including the sirens of emergency vehicles, warning signals, such as vehicles using their horns, and pedestrians shouting,” they emphasised in a statement.

Not wearing earphones permits cyclists to be more aware of their surroundings, thus helping them to cycle in a safer way, which will minimize the number of road traffic accidents.

It is important to note that the use of earbuds and Bluetooth headsets for phones, is also forbidden in cars and other vehicles. The only way you are permitted to use your phone when driving is with an in-car hands-free system through a speaker, not an in-ear device.
