The lava flows have not advanced and drone pilots are attempting rescue of four dogs

The lava flows have not advanced and drone pilots are attempting rescue of four dogs

The Steering Committee of the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Attention to Emergencies due to Volcanic Risk of the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA) have analyzed the daily report from the Scientific Committee in which the ‘strombolian mechanism’ of the eruption is confirmed, observing an increase in the effusive phases compared to the explosive ones, which is causing a greater emission of lava and less expulsion of pyroclastic material and ash.

Strombolian eruptions involve moderate bursts of expanding gases that eject clots of incandescent lava in cyclical, or nearly continuous, small eruptions. According to experts, the existence of lava tubes or tunnels, and the fact that the flows have increased in height and width, means that the front of these flows are hardly moving forward.

The Technical Director of PEVOLCA, Rubén Fernández, highlighted that if there are no new deviations from the current route of the lava, nor do gas emissions increase, no new evacuations are planned for the moment.

The spokeswoman for the Scientific Committee and director of the IGN in the Canary Islands, María José Blanco, clarified that yesterday afternoon an old emission point located about 300 metres southeast of the base of the main cone has reactivated with phreatomagmatic activity, which is when both magmatic gases and steam from groundwater are expelled.

One of the things that has gone viral in Spain this week, is the five dogs that are trapped in a water tank completely surrounded by lava. No one has been able to get food or shade to them and drone footage has confirmed that one of the dogs has been dead for about a week.

The lava flows have not advanced and drone pilots are attempting rescue of four dogs

However, there was better news yesterday as a team from Aerocamaras Especialistas Drones, a company dedicated to professional drone services and training drone pilots in Spain, will arrive in La Palma today to rescue the dogs after obtaining the necessary permissions and collaboration to carry out the task.

Iberia airlines are flying them in to attempt the rescue, and Aerocamaras have emphasized that their main objective is to save the lives of the dogs, however, trapped animals still need help for their maintenance and, once rescued, will require veterinary support and care.
