The Canary Islands has the highest hospital occupancy of Covid patients in Spain

The Canary Islands has the highest hospital occupancy of Covid patients in Spain

The Canary Islands is now the region of Spain with the highest hospital occupancy rate due to Covid, at close to 5%, followed by Valencia (4.81%), Cantabria (4.73%), the Basque Country (4.49%), Murcia (4.47%), Castilla y León (4.43%) and Castilla-La Mancha (4.34%). The lowest rates are in Extremadura (1.85%) and Galicia (1.95%), which are more than a point and a half below the national average.

In Spain as a whole, transmission by coronavirus continues on a downward trend, with a 7-day incidence rate in those over 59 years of age of 176.5 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, 74 points less than a week ago, a decrease that is also reflected in the hospital occupancy that falls to 3.5%, one point less than last Tuesday.

According to data published yesterday (Tuesday) by the Ministry of Health, there are now 4,063 patients hospitalized for Covid, which is 1,075 less than a week ago. Of these, 271 are in intensive care units, which has dropped from 354 a week ago.

In total, and according to the data provided by the regional health authorities, there have been 13,323,784 cases of coronavirus and 112,246 deaths since the pandemic began, out of a population of 47 million people. This means that 28.3% of everyone in Spain has had Covid.

Regarding deaths, in the last seven days 119 people have died, with a fatality rate of 3.7% in people over 60 years of age. The new cases notified amount to 9,020 and of them 5,332 correspond to that age group.

Long Covid:
The Persistent Covid Association of the Canary Islands, has filed a complaint claiming that the regional government isn’t registering patients who are suffering from long Covid.

They claim that there are more than 40,000 people in the islands who are still suffering, either from Covid symptoms, or the after-effects of Covid since they had had the virus and tested negative.

These patients don’t currently feature in any of the stats or data released by the Ministry of Health, even though their effects are Covid related and they, as patients, continue to put pressure on the health service.
