Enough is enough stop these idiots posting slogans we do NOT mean

  • 18-01-2025
  • National
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: LBC News / Social Media
Enough is enough stop these idiots posting slogans we do NOT mean

A shocking anti-tourist slogan, graffitied on a wall in Tenerife, has been reported by LBC news in the UK, with a tagline saying that anti-holidaymaker backlash is getting 'frightening', so as the Canarian Weekly, we have decided to give our views on this.

When the first ‘Tourist Go Home’ slogans appeared ahead of the 20A protests in the Canary Islands, coverage was completely blown out of proportion by the press in the UK, and tourists understandably got very concerned about the situation and worried about coming back to Tenerife, or the other islands.

However, these actions were done by few who wanted to get shock press coverage, regardless of the fact that the protests were NOT against tourists themselves, they were NOT against the holidaymakers that continue to flock to the islands, they were against the Government and the mass-tourism model that isn’t sustainable for residents in these main tourist areas.

According to LBC news, the graffiti, seen on the side of a small building in the south of Tenerife, that reads "Kill A Tourist", was posted on social media by a group known as Islas de Resistencia, which describes itself as "a project to recover the memory of social movements in the Canary Islands."

A concerned resident of the island who wants to remain anonymous spoke to LBC News saying that they were in favour of the protest movement but are concerned that feelings are now running too high, so did not want to be named due to safety worries. However, we are based in Tenerife, all of our staff are long-term residents, and not one says they are frightened or worried about their safety?

They told LBC: "Things on the islands are getting worse due to the large number of tourists and new residents, which leave us without homes and severely affects our natural environment. People are desperate for change and for us to be respected, but perhaps this does not justify those actions, which seem to be escalating. It's frightening."

It is important that people understand that the actions of a few do not reflect the feelings of the masses. We know we need tourism for our islands to flourish and be successful, but sustainable tourism and sensible tourist numbers so that the quality of life for the people that live and work here isn’t negatively affected, which it is becoming right now.

Tenerife, and the other Canary Islands want tourism, they need tourism, they love holidaymakers, but what they also want is affordable housing for the people that serve you your meals and drinks, affordable rents for the people that clean your apartments and hotel rooms, water for everyone not just hotels and golf courses, and a limit on the land that the government is allowing to be eaten up by new holiday complexes and not residential housing.

This is why we protested against the government. Not against you, you are always welcome here whether in a holiday home, aparthotel, or hotel, we want you. So please ignore these stupid messages that a small group of people are posting and  that the UK press are reporting on, and continue to enjoy your holidays.
