EU Commission urges member states to prepare for surges in Covid cases

EU Commission urges member states to prepare for surges in Covid cases

The EU Commission is urging all Member States, which includes Spain and therefore, the Canary Islands, to put the necessary strategies in place to avoid a surge of Covid-19 cases in the upcoming autumn and winter season, and to respond to future outbreaks in a fast and sustained manner. The main aim of these actions is to increase the uptake of vaccines and to ensure that all EU citizens are well protected.

“Member States across the EU should continue to concentrate their efforts and prepare for the next wave of the coronavirus, and further rollout of vaccination programs. Taking action now will limit the pressure on healthcare systems, disruptions of the economies, and challenges for society,” said Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President for Promoting European Way of Life.

The Commission encourages all Member States to improve the vaccine uptake of the primary vaccination course and booster dose among eligible individuals. In addition, it encourages them to prioritise the administration of an additional booster dose for specific groups, notably those aged 60 years and over, as well as other eligible people of any age at risk of severe illness.

Moreover, it has been suggested that the EU Member States combine Covid-19 and influenza vaccination campaigns, and ensure clear communication to citizens regarding the benefits of both vaccinations.

The Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, recommends that everyone acts together in a sustained and coordinated manner. “It is crucial that all Member States have robust vaccination strategies in place to prepare for the autumn and winter, including the rollout of the newly authorised adapted booster vaccines.”

The Commission has suggested several other measures, such as developing national vaccination strategies clarifying which vaccines should be administered to which population groups, and ensuring sufficient capacity to administer the vaccines as soon as new ones are delivered, must also be taken.

Member States are also encouraged to continue their efforts in facilitating free movement in the EU during the pandemic, both for people and transportation of goods. In the context of travel from non-EU countries, the Commission plans to propose a revision of the relevant Council Recommendation.
